Qortin, once an uncontrolled landfill operating from 1968 to 2004, has been transformed into a public space for families. Covering 50,000m² and holding 0.6 million tonnes of waste, the site previously lacked systems for managing landfill leachate and gas emissions, leading to fires and disturbances for nearby residents.
Following this, the landfill was sealed off by means of a subsoil and topsoil, and around 23,000 shrubs were planted to restore this area to its natural habitat. A water reservoir was also built to harvest rainwater in order to be used for irrigation purposes.
In the final phase of this project, the site was made safe for the public to enjoy. This was done through the installation of safety railings and gates, and fences that were built around the gas manifolds.
A parking area and a dog park were also created offering dog owners a safe place for their dogs to get exercise.
Qortin is today an open space for residents and the public to enjoy with unspoiled views of Ramla l-Ħamra bay.